Monday, October 16, 2006


Sitting in the middle of nowhere i can feel sad and alone, i can feel happy or i can cry, and now? the only thing i feel is your hand holding mine.

sitting in the middle of nowhere now i can feel that i´m in love with you, i can feel the silence and the noise at the same time, and now i feel full, cause you are all i needed and all i always wished, i love you and now nothing else matters, i find you, so please don´t leave me in the middle of nowhere.

now i know what is love and i can see that it is beautiful. i love you freakboy!

little freakgirl. (pequeña Moshi)

Monday, September 18, 2006


es dificil encontrar a tu pareja ideal, muchas veces no sabes como buscarla, solo espero que si la encuentro sepa aprovechar el momento y a la persona y no arruinarlo...

hay tantas cosas que quisiera decir y no se como, quisiera que entendieras mis miedos, pero sobre todo mi amor por ti, a mi alrededor hay mucho caos, pero yo sigo siendo la misma, soy la pequeña chispa, la que se rie de su desventuras y llora de alegria...

hay tantas cosas que quisiera decirte y la unica que se me ocurre es " te amo"
espero haya alguien que me corresponda y me entienda, espero que seas tu, espero que esto dure y no me maten los celos en el intento....

MOSHI (la pequeña pao)

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


My mind is in the sky, flying with the birds across the clouds.

that´s what i really wanted?
is there where i wanted to be?
i really thought that it will makes me happy but, now i´m here and i feel sad, without hope or feelings (positive feelings)

am i crying or is just the rain?

i need to feel the freedom and in this moment the sky is my jail and the wid gived to me new wishes to run away...

Thursday, March 09, 2006


La marihuana es un ave
que te eleva
con sus grandes
alas verdes.

Desde arriba
en lo alto
todo se ve mejor.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


and here i am again... lost in the middle of the crowd, looking for someone that i already know, this is so hard, i want to be with you, but you get away every time i´m closer. why? will you ever love me?

some times, when i´m with you i feel like the only one, but then you put a wall between us. i feel so lonely, so sad, i´m getting hurt.

i´m alone... again.